
Reservation Rules and Regulations


The Rules and Regulations are established to ensure that all guests have an orderly, calm and smooth use of the facility. It is contractual in nature, therefore the sending of the reservation and / or the compilation of data on the Guest Portal implies for the Customer formally and to all effects acceptance of these Regulations, in all its clauses and provisions. The agreement with Design Club is regulated by Italian Law and failure to comply will result in the expulsion of the Guest and the reporting to the authorities of public security, police or carabinieri.
Documents – The Customer must log into the Guest Portal at the time of booking or immediately after, or to send directly to Design Club their own documents and those of any other guests who will use the property, at least 24 hours prior to their arrival date, and in any case by 5pm of that day at the latest. This is for the purposes of identification and to enable the compilation and communication of attendance to the police authorities, as required by law. The entry of data and / or submission of documents is an essential condition for use of service. If the deadline for submission is missed, Design Club Company reserves the right to withhold from the Customer the Access Code to the accommodation necessary for self check-in and in any case will not permit access to the unit, withholding the amounts paid by the Customer.
Booking Conditions – By submitting the reservation, the Customer confirms that they have read and expressly accept the Booking Conditions which form an integral part of these Regulations.
Security Deposit and pre-authorisation – The Design Club will proceed to pre-authorise a sum of €200.00 (two hundred) on the credit card whose details the Customer must provide at the time of booking, as a security deposit for damages and/or any verified removal of goods from the occupied unit. By submitting the reservation and accepting these Regulations, the Customer expressly and in advance permits this pre-authorisation, as well as the debits to the credit card itself of the amounts that may be due to Design Club at the end of the stay, for the reasons indicated and in accordance with the provisions of the following points.
Registration of guests – It is strictly forbidden to let guests and persons who are not duly registered at the time of reservation or subsequently enter the facility and/or apartment.
Arrival and departure times – The apartments are available for check-in from 3:00 p.m. on the day of arrival and must be vacated no later than 10:00 a.m. on the day of departure, unless exceptions are agreed and authorized in advance. In the event of late check-out with respect to the indicated time, an authomatic surcharge of €80 will be applied, with maximum check-out time at 12,30 upon availability. For check-out after that time, the cost of an additional night will be authomatically charged, based on the rate in place an upon availability; rates are per day regardless of time of entry.
Customer Care – The Customer Care service offered by Design Club is available to Guests from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 6 pm Outside of these times, dedicated personnel will be guaranteed only in cases of proven urgency subject to a message from the Customer.
Luggage Storage – Customers may, if necessary, leave their luggage in a special room, unattended, during the hours in which the Customer Care service aforementioned is available. The Management of Design Club does not accept any responsibility for any luggage and objects that may have been left by Guests and consequently will not be liable for any compensation. The Management reserves the right, however, at its sole discretion, to refuse luggage and other personal belongings for storage.
Hours of Silence – During the hours from 1,30 pm to 4,00 pm and from 10,30 pm to 8,00 am, Guests are requested to observe the utmost silence and in any case to adopt a behavior appropriate to ensure that the guests’ rest is not disturbed in any way, thus avoiding in particular the use of high tones of voice in the sleeping area, the use of clogs or loud shoes in all rooms, slamming or forcefully closing doors, noise and shouting of any other kind. The use of television or radio is also permitted during the hours indicated, but with volume moderation.
WI-FI – A free Wi-Fi network is active in the facility, for the exclusive use of Customers. Design Club is not responsible for any malfunctions arising from the network provider, but may simply take charge of any report from the Customer to transmit it to the provider itself.
Stay of minors – Minors unaccompanied by parents/guardians, and therefore in possession of regular documentation in this regard, may not stay in the building of Design Club. Parents of children or young people (or whoever exercises parental authority over them or otherwise has custody of them) are responsible for the behavior of minors within the facility and are required to supervise them and ensure that they act respectfully towards other guests, in particular as regards the strict observance of silence, which the company promises to guarantee to its Guests, and avoid causing damage of any kind.
Animals – Design Club reserves the right to accept pets in its facilities, provided that their presence is duly communicated and declared at the time of booking, with specific mention of the type of animal and size. In case of acceptance of the presence of the animal, a pet fee of €50 (fifty) will be charged to the guest. Failure to give prior notice and request for approval the presence of an animal will result in a charge of an increased pet fee, amounting to €100 (one hundred). The Client, in any case, inside the accommodation must ensure that the animal is kept in a way that does not cause harassment, noise or damage to other guests and the hotel structure. Only animals in compliance with health regulations may enter the hotel. The management may seek compensation for any damage caused.
Smoking ban – The Design Club facility is “smoke free.” It is therefore strictly forbidden to smoke inside the apartment and common areas (with the exception of the outdoor garden). Any failure to comply with the prohibition, which will be ascertained during the verification of the unit after checkout, will result in the need to operate a special cleaning of the unit and furniture, with particular reference to fabrics etc., and specifically the execution of No. 2 ozone sanitizing treatments. Given the high cost of such interventions, Customers are advised that Design Club will apply a penalty of €500 (five hundred) to violators.
Bedding Configuration and Linen Replacement – The Customer must specify his or her preferences or specific requests for bedding configuration at the time of booking and in any case no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled check-in date, in order to allow the unit sufficient time to be prepared in a manner other than the standard system. Apartment linen is replaced as provided for in the regulations for vacation homes, and then at the guest check-in and checkout. In exceptional cases, a change of linen may be authorized at the request of the Customer. This change will incur an extra charge, and thus an extra charge of €25 per room, for each change of bed linen and/or an extra charge of €25 per room, for each change of bathroom linen. It is forbidden to remove linen from the occupied unit. If the post check-out check reveals missing linens in relation to the standard equipment of the unit, Design Club will apply an extra charge to be paid by the Customer equal to the purchase cost of the goods found to be missing.
Waste separation and energy saving – Design Club’s Policy provides for the separate collection of waste. Therefore, Customers are encouraged to separate the waste themselves and to use the special differentiated containers located in the basement laundry room. We ask you to switch off appliances and not to waste water and electricity on leaving the apartment.
Extra cleaning – In the event that the Guest leaves the occupied unit in poor condition, without taking care to wash the dishes and/or remove the garbage, and it is therefore necessary to clean more intensively than usual, the Customer will be charged an extra fee of euro €50 (fifty).
Checking of equipment and compensation for damages – In the event that damage is found to the structure during the guest stay, including furniture and / or equipment the Customer must pay the full cost of replacement.

The Customer is obliged to check the completeness and functionality of the equipment of the occupied unit within two hours from the time of check-in by consulting the relevant list located in the binder inside the apartment. They are also obliged within the same deadline, to report any additional problems found. Failure to report within the specified time limit will result in the unit being deemed to have been delivered correctly and fully equipped and in perfect condition. Verification of the unit by Design Club’s designated employees will take place as soon as possible after checkout. They will promptly report to Management any damage and/or deficiencies found. The Customer Care department will then proceed to quantify the cost of damage, including the costs of repurchasing of damaged or missing goods, the costs of any repair work, including labor costs, quantified at a flat rate amount equal to 25% of the damage, factoring in the days of potential unavailability of the unit, acquiring appropriate documentation. They will then forward formal notice to the Customer within two working days after checkout, proceeding to charge the amounts due.

BOOKING CONDITIONS The reservation is to be confirmed by the Customer by providing credit card details as a guarantee. Providing the card details constitutes in any case a prior authorization to pre-charge and/or debit, according to the terms and conditions of the reservation and the Regulations. When making a reservation on the website, the full amount of the reservation made is charged to the card provided by the Customer, regardless of the rate chosen. If a “refundable” rate has been selected and cancellation takes place within the terms, the entire booking amount, net of financial charges, will be immediately and automatically credited back to the same card.

The booking procedure and payment, must take place within 30 minutes, after which it is automatically cancelled. The reservation, therefore, will be confirmed only when payment is made within the above terms, including the bank transfer payment, the credit of which must take place whithin 5 days before the check-in. The pre-authorization on the credit card provided by the Customer will be made only with regard to the amount of the deposit, so as to block the availability of the amount and verify the proper functioning of the card whose data the Customer has provided. The amount of the deposit, minus the amount of any damages and/or shortages, will be released at the end of the stay. The reservation systems used by Design Club use the most advanced security standards to ensure the protection and privacy of the data entered, as per the separate legal notice.

CITY TAX The Municipality of Bologna has established the Municipal City Tax (Tassa di Soggiorno) to be paid by guests at the accommodation facilities. The amount of this tax is not included in the prices indicated on this site or in those generated by the online booking system and must be paid at the time of registration on the Guest Portal, before check-in, or, by default, will be settled by cash or charged to the credit card provided by the Customer at check-out time. Exclusively in cash at checkout, or, by default, will be charged to the credit card provided by the Client. The tourist tax has an amount that varies from 3 to 5 euros per person per night, according to the provisions indicated by the Municipality of Bologna, or in cases of exemption: www.comune.bologna.it/servizi-informazioni/imposta-di-soggiorno

TERMS OF CANCELLATION OF BOOKING As indicated at the time of booking and based on the option selected by the Customer, the reservation may be cancelled and/or modified promptly as follows:

BOOKING AT STANDARD RATE Cancellation is free of charge within 5 days prior to arrival. For later cancellation or a no-show, the total amount of the reservation will be charged. For any reservation of 4 or more apartments, design club reserves the right to change the cancellation conditions.
NON-REFUNDABLE BOOKING Non-refundable reservations may be charged for the full amount at any time following confirmation of reservation. In case of early departure, the Client will not be entitled to any refund on the fees paid for the reserved stay.

EXTRA SERVICES PROVIDED ON REQUEST DIRECTLY BY THIRD-PARTY SUPPLIERS For the sole purpose of serving the Customer, and without any assumption of responsibility in this regard, Design Club informs Clients who would like to take advantage of services not provided by the facility, that it is possible to submit a request for breakfast directly to “Caffè Gamberini”, by filling out the appropriate form that will be sent to the Customer via email or Whatsapp before check-in. Each request and related fee, as well as the conditions of this service and any related issues, will be settled by the Customer directly with the provider of the requested service. It is also possible to request parking for your car near the facility, directly to “Garage Marconi”. Likewise, this indication is merely a courtesy suggestion, for which Design Club assumes no responsibility.  Any request, related fee and the conditions of such services and any related issues, will be settled by the Customer directly with the provider of the requested service.